More than 18 years professional experience as Developer, Team Leader, Product Manager and R&D Manager

Forecourt Controller (FCC) Systems
Forecourt Controller (FCC) Systems control dispensers, outdoor payment terminals, price signs, tank controllers and so on. They can be either embedded or PC based. There are so many different systems and application models in the world. Some FCC systems offer both FCC and POS functionalities together.

Automatic Tank Gauging Systems (ATG)
An Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) Controller is an electronic device, whose basic function is to monitor the fuel level in the tank. It can also tell the operator what is going on inside the tank. In other words, it gives us very important information like fuel level, volume and temperature, water level and volume, high and low fuel level warnings etc.

Vehicle Identification Systems (VIS)
Vehicle Identification Systems (VIS) are based on automated identification of the vehicle by the station systems, which enables fast refueling with no need for cash, card or coupon payment. They use mainly RFID technology. VIS also brings numerous advantages and significant savings in fuel expenses for both fleets and individual consumers.

Loyalty Applications and POS Integration Projects
Loyalty programs allow rewarding best customers through discounts, special promotions, gifts, etc. The main purpose of a loyalty program is to retain regular customers, to increase commitment from occasional
customers and to acquire new ones. There are different loyalty applications in petroleum market.
I have deep knowledge on Forecourt Controller (FCC) Systems, Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) Systems, Vehicle Identification Systems (VIS), Gas Station Automation Softwares, Loyalty and POS Integration Applications, ERP, MRP...
I am highly experienced in using different software languages, tools and methodologies like C#, Delphi, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Firebird SQL, Serial, TCP/IP and UDP Communication, Multi-thread programming...