Turpak PumpOmat is currently used more than 5000 station in Turkey and several hundreds in different countries (Pakistan, Dubai, Omman, Albania and so on) It is the market leader of Turkey Forecourt Controller business and has so many integration modules on it.
It has currently Turkish, English and French support but because of its flexible internationalization infrastructure, another language support can be given easily without changing the software itself.
It is used by all the biggest companies operating in Turkey. In addition to world leaders Shell, BP, Total and Lukoil, the biggest local oil companies Petrol Ofisi, Opet, TP and mOil use Turpak PumpOmat as their Forecourt Controller solution.

Its standard version contains Vehicle Identification System (VIS) support and it can be used with attendant keys and/or tags. Station owner can define its local customers and set up its loyalty system. In addition, it can export sales and some definitions to BOS systems in different file formats. It has also so many optional features like discount module, prepaid or postpaid local customer definition capability, price board integration and so on.
PumpOmat has also different company specific applications in it. For example, if it is configured as a Shell version, it supports Shell Eurohub, Shell Smart Card and some other Shell specific policies. In the same way, if it is configured as Opet, it supports DKV, UTA, Yakitkart, Paro loyalty and prepaid cards, it can communicate with PARO embedded PC and Ingenico POS Terminal over TCP/IP. Roughly it has 30+ oil company specific modules and loyalty applications.
The latest version of PumpOmat works as Windows service and a part of a complete suite. It is currently on pilot phase at approximately 800 stations and will be approved in a short time. The most important features of the new version are automatic problem detection, automatic alarm management, central management of stations, separate management GUI software which uses Ribbon like latest Microsoft Office applications, a security software (Windows Explorer replacement) and so on.
I have been working more than 9 years in PumpOmat development actively and if you want to learn more details about it and new features please contact with me by e-mail or using this contact form.
Please don’t forget to check my Forecourt Controller (FCC) Systems page to learn more about definition and concepts of forecourt and Forecourt Controller (FCC) Systems and FCC category to reach all information with the same category.